• Create Advert Task
  • Create Engagement Task

Create Advert Task

Advert task are designed to persuade users to share your adverts on various social media networks. To learn how much it costs to create different ad tasks, see below:

Get active people to post your Adverts on their Whatsapp status
Price: N100 per advert on:
Each person will create two separate status posts with one post containing your advert image/video while the second post will contain ONLY your advert text or caption..

Get active people to post your Adverts on Facebook.
Price: N150 per post on:
Get people with atleast 1000 active friends or followers EACH on their Facebook Account to post your advert to their own audience..

Get active people to post your Adverts on Instagram.
Price: N150 per post on:
Get people with atleast 1000 active followers EACH on their Instagram Account to post your advert to their followers..

Get active people to post your Adverts on Twitter.
Price: N150 per post on:
Get people with atleast 1000 active followers each on their Twitter Account to post your advert to their followers..

Get active people to post your Adverts on Tiktok.
Price: N150 per post on:
Get people with atleast 1000 active followers each on their Tiktok Account to post your advert to their followers..